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Kuala Lumpur
April 27, 2024

Story Time Takes Flight in GIIS KL Kindergarten: A New Reading Corner for Budding Bookworms!

Get ready for exciting adventures in the world of words! GIIS KL Kindergarten has unveiled a brand new reading corner, and it's abuzz with activity. This dedicated space, bursting with colorful phonics books, is designed to ignite a love for reading in our young learners.

Imagine a cozy corner, filled with captivating stories waiting to be explored. That's the magic the reading corner brings! Principal herself, Ms. Dipti Joshna, kicked off this wonderful initiative by reading "The Great Goat Chase" by Tony Bonning and Sally Hobson. The children were captivated as they followed the thrilling tale.

But the adventure doesn't stop there! This is just the beginning of a fantastic journey. The reading corner will become a permanent fixture in all Kindergarten classrooms, providing a haven for teachers to narrate captivating stories during story time. It's a space where imaginations can soar, and new worlds can be discovered with every turn of a page.

This initiative aligns with GIIS KL's commitment to the 9GEMS Holistic Education Framework, specifically focusing on GEM 1 (Academic Excellence), GEM 4 (Personality Development), and GEM 5 (Innovation and Creativity). By fostering a love for reading and language, we equip our students with the tools they need to become successful learners and responsible global citizens.

This program also directly contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4): Quality Education. By sparking a love for reading early on, GIIS KL helps students become lifelong learners.

So, the next time you visit the Kindergarten section at GIIS KL, peek into the reading corner. You might just spot a group of wide-eyed youngsters, transported to a world of wonder by the magic of books!

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